Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Well, here we are in Barn Hill, three and a half weeks into our stay.  The time has just flown and we are wishing we could stay here for longer.  It is hard to say why we love it here so much.  There is a beautiful beach which extends both north and south with wonderful rock formations, no flies and no mosquitoes, Tai Chi each morning, the bowling green is fairly well covered with grass, fresh bread, vanilla slices and lamingtons each day all cooked at the station, and the people here are very friendly.  Perhaps the best way is to try to do it with pictures rather than words.

The road into Barn Hill - 10km of dirt with speed humps and gates

Our campsite
The caravan park
The caravan park

Pied Oyster Catchers
Social bowls competition is held each Thursday.  On our second week of competing my team actually won the finals - more a matter of good luck and good team mates than good playing on my part.  Our third week here was the Barn Hill Championship which went over the whole week.  Brian's team unfortunately was knocked out in the semi finals.
Brian on the green
The bowling green could do with a bit more grass
My winning team

Lovely rock pools at low tide
Steps down to the beach
Over 20 boats went fishing on this day
Walking on the beach
Another view of the stairs to the beach
There are some amazing rock formations along the beach - you may have to use your imagination to see some of the shapes I see!
The Sphinx
There have been many wonderful sunsets over the last few weeks.  We often walk down to the top of the steps at sunset with a drink in hand and enjoy the spectacle.

Stairway to the sun
Sunset through a wine glass!
As I mentioned, there is a Tai Chi group each morning which has quite a good following:

Brian and Neil - not quite in sync
Market day is each Sunday morning.  Brian sets up a stall each week and has been going quite well.  He has almost sold out of all his stock.
At happy hour on Friday night we join in a game of Left Right and Centre.  This is a dice game which requires no skill, just a certain amount of luck.  There are generally two tables of up to 20 people and it costs $1 to play, so the winner wins the centre of $20.  Lots of laughs.
So, only five days to go before we leave this magical place.  Then on to 80 Mile Beach for a week.  We have caught up here with several friends that we have met along the way, plus the other regulars who come to Barn Hill every year.