Wednesday, April 22, 2009

First posting


We left Karrinyup Waters Resort on Wednesday, 1 April 2009 to start our adventure travelling around Australia for twelve months. Turned left onto the freeway and headed north.

We spent our first three nights in Dongara which is a small crayfishing village aout 360 km north of Perth. A great little community where we were able to buy crayfish direct from the boats - cooked them up on the barbie with garlic butter - delicious!

Then on to free camp at Coronation Beach, about 120 km north of Dongara (just past Geraldton) for two nights. A great location but unfortunately the beach was a metre deep in seaweed so fishing and swimming were out of the question.

We took a drive along a sandy track behind the beach and managed to get ourselves slightly bogged for the first time - guess there will be more to come.

From Coronation Beach we drove onto Kalbarri, only another 140 km north where we are staying for two weeks. Monday to Thursday was really peaceful but then the Easter travellers started to arrive in hordes. The weather has been fine and hot with a bit of wind. We have settled into the lifestyle quite easily and have been fishing (no fish yet), hiking, golfing, swimming and exploring. Oh, and I forgot to mention, eating and drinking.
Aaron, Tracee and Jade are due to arrive today for the next week, so we are looking forward to spending time with them.

1 comment:

  1. Hi blog looks great. Jon and Jarad here say hi. Jon says Buy Matilda's wine. Millie says Help. New birds say Feed me please.
