Wednesday, June 17, 2009

27th May - 14th June

Cape Keraudren to Barn Hill station stay

From Karijini we travelled to Port Hedland to re-stock before heading off to Cape Keraudren, abut 160 km north of Port Hedland. This was a"free camp" area with the only facility being a long drop toilet. The campsite was on the water, but it was a bit windy there.

Our camp at Cape Keraudren

This is the start of 80 Mile Beach

The beach at low tide

Sunrise at Cape Keraudren - yes, it faces East!

Another view of the campsite

Brahminy Kite

Royal Cape Keraudren golf course - 9 holes very rough, no grass.

Rainbow Bee-Eaters

80 Mile Beach

Sunset at 80Mile Beach

Fishing at 80 Mile Beach

Helen pretending to fish at 80 Mile Beach.
Brian caught several fish but not the one he really wanted - a Giant White Threadfin Salmon. Several were caught while we were there.

Watching the sunset at 80 Mile Beach

After 80 Mile Beach we drove to Barn Hill station stay, about 150 km south of Broome and located on a 430,000 acre cattle station. This was a magic place with a beautiful beach good for fishing and swimming and spectacular rock formations. The owners of the station run the caravan park and do lots of extra things like a roast dinner on Sunday nights, fresh bread some days, fresh lamingtons and vanilla slice and lots more. We absolutely loved it here, booked for 3 days and then extended for another 3 days. We will certainly come back here,

Rock formations at Barn Hill

Southern end of Barn Hill beach

Brian, the fashionista! Coordination blues

Brian and Helen at Barn Hill

We named this beach Skinny Dip Bay.
In the public interest we have decided not to publish photos of the actual event.

The one that didn't get away - a Golden Trevally caught on our last day at Barn Hill - about -10 kg

At the Sunday roast there was also a live aboriginal band which was fun

The bowling green at Barn Hill

We are heading to Broome from Barn Hill where we will spend a week before heading up to Cape Leveque to tent it for a few days.

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