Tuesday, September 1, 2009

26th August - 31st August

After leaving Kakadu we camped at Edith Falls for two nights - a great campground at the northern end of Nitmiluk National Park.

The bottom pool at Edith Falls

The creek leading off the bottom pool

We took a 2.6 km walk to the top pools at Edith Falls

Top pools

We don't know what this flower is, but thought it was pretty. If anyone knows please tell us.
The local aborigines do a lot of burning off early in the dry to reduce the risk of big fires later in the year, and this also promotes new growth.

On the walk to the top of Edith Falls
At the top
One of the top pools
After Edith Falls we drove to Katherine where we are staying for 6 nights. There was a local rodeo on last Saturday night which was fun.

Sometimes the bulls lose .....

... and sometimes they win

Some spellbound spectators dreaming of when they will be rodeo cowboys

Brian sitting around doing nothing

Hot Springs at Katherine - supposed to be 32 degrees but actually felt quite tepid - very pleasant

On Monday we went on a breakfast cruise and helicopted flight at Katherine Gorge.

After the first gorge you have to leave the boat, walk for 500 m and get in another boat due to low water levels

View up gorge 2 - there are 13 in all

One of the croc traps which are permanently in place in gorge 1

Gorge 1

The helicopter flight was for 30 minutes with a remote landing at gorge 11

This is the view of gorge 1 with the visitors centre to the right

Brian and Helen at the remote landing

After we took off from the remote landing we went looking for buffalo - if you look carefully there are about six down there

Our remote landing rock

A closer view of the same rock. Two tiny white marks on the rock are where the helicopter lands

If anyone is old enough to remember the film Jeddah, this cliff is called Jeddah's Leap

Beside our helicopter at the remote landing - sorry slightly out of order

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