Friday, November 6, 2009

24th Sept - 3rd Nov 2009 continued after a smaal glitch

From Townsville we took a drive to Wallaman Falls, the longest single drop falls in Australia, It was a 2 km hike down, very steep, but great at the bottom. Then the 2 km hike back up! We made it.

Brian looking pleased with himself at the end of the hike

Townsville from Castle Rock and a view of the water park on The Strand. Perth City Council should look at both Cairns and Townsville for ideas on how to develop the foreshore

We drove to Paluma, supposedly a quaint little village in the mountains. It didn't quite live up to its reputation, however we found two wonderful places.

Crystal Creek bridge was built during the depression. The picnic area and falls were very peaceful

We then drove on to Birthday Creek Falls where there is a short track through the rainforest to the bottom of the falls. Along the way we saw a Tooth Billed Bower Bird, a Red Bellied Black Snake, and then the best one was this beautiful Golden Bower Bird which is quite difficult to find. It was just near its bower. Brian got some really good shots.

A view of Birthday Creek Falls. It would be spectacular just after the wet - we will have to come back again.

We left Townsville to head inland again to Winton and Longreach. We really enjoy being in the outback. More soon ....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Helen and Brian,

    I love your pics of Townsville - brings back memories as I used to live there...I used to swim at Crystal Creek regularly. Hope you are having a ball
    xx Gill, Mike, Jack and Lainey
