Thursday, May 27, 2010

18 - 23 April 2010

We left Tassie on the overnight ferry to Melbourne which was extremely rough. 4 metre seas with 4 metre swell! It pitched and rolled all night with waves crashing over the bow. We were glad when we entered Port Phillip Bay and had calmer seas for the last three hours of the crossing.

We headed straight out of Melbourne and along the Great Ocean Road which was really spectacular. Even though we have all seen the photos, in real life it is awesome. In any event we will bore you with even more photos

We stayed at Port Campbell which gave us good access to most of the viewing sites

It was very cold and windy that day

We played the Nullarbor Links Golf Course from Ceduna to Kalgoorlie, the longest golf course in the world - over 1300 km. The first two holes were at Ceduna Golf Club followed by a hole at each of the road houses across the Nullarbor. Synthetic greens and tees were OK, but the fairways were just scrub.

The Dingo's Den hole at Nullarbor Roadhouse is renowned for the local crows who fly down after each shot and steal your ball. Helen lost 5 balls and Brian lost 3 before we figured out a system to beat the crows.

About to lose my first ball.

The fairway at Border Kangaroo hole - it rained the night before to create this water hazard

South Australia/West Australia border - getting closer to home

Correct golf attire is essential

The 18th hole at last at Kalgoorlie's Hannans Golf Course

The highway is used for emergency landings of the RFDS

Getting closer - only 723 km to go

We stopped two nights at Kalgoorlie/Boulder and just happened to be there on the morning of the magnitude 5 earthquake which felt like it was right below our caravan. The most significant damage was in the main street of Boulder and our caravan park was only about 1 km down the same road.
Kalgoorlie has many wonderful old buildings from the gold rush days

The post office

Town Hall

The York Hotel

The Exchange Hotel

Main Roads Board

It's still the wild, wild west

Not far now

The big smoke in the distance

Home with out family again. Jill organised a fabulous welcome home lunch

We have been back in Perth for a month now (sorry it took so long to prepare the last blog) and have been enjoying our time catching up with family and friends. However, we are not used to this cold weather so we will be heading north again at the beginning of July for two to three months, back in Perth about mid September.

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